AEAS-103 Course Outline


Fundamental of Aeronautical Engineering 

Course Outline

Course Outline for Aerospace Part:

  •  Aerodynamics
  •  Astronautics
  •  Aircraft and spacecraft
  •  Fixed and rotary wing Aircraft
  •  Basic forces acting on an aircraft
  •  Mechanics of flight 
  •  Modern development and future of Aeronautical Engineering
  •  Standard atmosphere 
  •  Local and free stream characteristics
  •  Airspeed and ground speed flow over airfoils
  •  Lift Drag
  •  High Lift device 
  •  Aircraft performance parameters such as endurance, ceiling, range
  •  Aircraft maneuvers, climb, descent and glide, take off, landing, cruise structure etc

Introduction to Aerospace Engineering:
Introduction to aerodynamics, astronautics, aircraft and spacecraft; Fixed and rotary wing aircraft; Basic forces acting on an aircraft, mechanics of flight. Modern developments and future trends in aerospace technologies.
Standard atmosphere; Local & free stream characteristics; Air Speed and Ground speed, flow over airofoils, Lift, drag, High lift devices; aircraft performance parameters such as endurance, aircraft ceiling and range.

Aircraft maneuvers - climb, descent and glide, take off, cruise, landing.
Aircraft structure: Aircraft basic configurations; Aerospace structures – familiarization to construction of wing, fuselage, horizontal stabilizer, vertical stabilizer, primary and secondary control surfaces and landing gear.
Aero-engine: Principles of Jet reaction; Types of aero-engine - familiarization to reciprocating and gas turbine engine along with their accessories.
Introduction to Avionics Engineering:
Instrumentation: Introduction to the cockpit and its instruments; Basic 6 instruments and their functions;
Aircraft communication: Fundamentals of aircraft communication system
Navigation systems: Fundamentals of aircraft navigation system

Text and Ref books:

1. Airframe and Power Plant – C A Zweng; Galotia Publications.
2. Spacecraft Systems Engineering –Peter Fortescue and John Stark; John Wiley and Sons.
3. Introduction to Flight -John D Anderson Jr; Tata McGraw-Hill.
4. Introduction to Aerospace structural Analysis –David H Allen, Publisher ; Weley and Sons.
5. Avionics Navigation Systems, 2nd Ed – Myron Kayton
6. Aerodynamics – Clancy
7. Flight without Formulae – Kermode


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