AEAV 103
3.00 Contact Hour 3.00 Credit Hour
Fundamentals of Computer: Basic concepts of computer organizations, CPU, Memory, I/O units such as hard disk, pen drives, CDROM/Writer, scanner, printers, keyboards etc. Number System Representation.
Introduction to programming languages: Evolution of programming languages, structured programming, the compilation process, object code, source code, executable code, operating systems, interpreters, linkers, loaders, fundamentals of algorithms, flow charts.
C Language Fundamentals: Character set, Identifiers, Keywords, Data Types, Constants and Variables, Statements, Expressions, Operators, Precedence of operators, Input-output Assignments, Control structures, Decision making and Branching, Decision making & looping.
C Functions: User-defined and standard functions, Formal and Actual arguments, Functions category, function prototypes, parameter passing, Call-by-value, Call-by-reference, Recursion, and Storage Classes.
Arrays and Strings: One dimensional Array, Multidimensional Array declaration and their applications, String Manipulation.
Pointers: Pointer variable and its importance, Pointer Arithmetic, passing parameters by reference, pointer to pointer, linked list, pointers to functions, dynamic memory allocation.
Structures, Unions: Declaration of structures, declaration of unions, pointer to structure & unions.
File Handling: Console input-output functions, Disk input-output functions, Data files.
Text and Ref books:
1. C, The Complete Reference – Schildt, H; McGraw-Hill.
2. Turbo C/C++: The complete reference – Herber Schildt; Osborne Mc Graw-Hill
3. The Waite Group‘s C Programming using Turbo C++ – Robert Lafore; Sams Publishing.
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