CHEM 107
Atomic Structure, Thermo-chemistry and Chemistry of Engineering Materials
4.00 Contact Hour 4.00 Credit Hour
Atomic Structure: Quantum numbers; Electronic configuration; Periodic table; Properties and uses of noble gases; Different types of chemicals and their properties; Molecular structure of compounds; Selective organic reactions.
Thermo-chemistry: Chemical kinetics; Chemical equilibrium; Ionization of water and pH concept; Electric properties of solution.
Chemistry of Engineering Materials: Corrosion: nature, forms and types of corrosion, electrochemical mechanism and prevention of corrosion. Paints, varnishes and metallic coating: composition and application of paints, varnishes and metallic coatings, methods used in applying coatings on metal surface. Carbon: properties and applications of carbon and graphite. Lubricants: principle of lubrication, sources, properties and refining of lubricants, importance of lubrication.
Plastic: Fundamentals characteristics, classification, raw material & manufacture of plastic, some typical example and their uses.
Text and Ref books:
1. Principles of Physical Chemistry – Haque & Nawab; Students‘ Publications.
2. Fundamentals of Physical Chemistry- Samuel H. Maron & Jerome B. Lando; MacMillan Publishing Co., Inc., Newyork.
3. Physical Chemistry P. W. Atkins; Oxford University Press.
4. Essentials of Physical Chemistry- B.S. Bahl & G.D. Tuli; S. Chand and Company Ltd
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