MATH 127 Course Outline

 MATH 127

Vector Analysis, Matrix and Coordinate Geometry 

Geometry (Two Dimensions)

Transformation of coordinates, axes and its uses, pair of straight

lines, homogeneous equations of second degree, angle between

the pair of straight lines, pair of lines joining the origin to the point

of intersection of two given curves, equation of conics and its

reduction to standard forms, circles, system of circles, coaxial

circles and limiting points, parabola, ellipse and hyperbole

(Cartesian and polar coordinates).

Geometry (Three Dimensions)

System of coordinates, direction cosines, projections, equation of

planes, straight lines and spheres.

Reference Books

1. The Elements of Coordinate Geometry by S. L. Loney.

2. An Elementary Treatise on Coordinate Geometry of Three Dimensions by Robert J.T. Bell.

3. Handouts.

Vector Analysis Multiplication of vectors by scalars. scalar and vector product of two vectors

and their geometrical interpretation, triple products and multiple products, differentiation

and integration of vectors along with elementary applications, vector geometry, definition of

line, surface and volume integrals. gradient, divergence and curl of point functions. Green’s

theorem, Gauss's theorem, Stoke's theorem and their applications.

Matrix: Definition of matrix, different types of matrices, algebra of matrices. adjoint and

inverse of a matrix, elementary transformations of matrices, matrix, polynomials, Cay- lay-

Hamilton theory with uses of rank and nullity, normal and canonical forms, solution of linear

equations, definition and properties of vector space, subspaces, basis and dimension, linear

dependence and independence of vectors.

Reference Books

1. Vector Analysis - Seymour Lipschutz. Dermis Spellman and Murray R.Spiegel, Schaum's outlines

2. Vector Analysis - M. D. Raisinghania

3. Linear Algebra by Rahman

4. Linear algebra by Howard Anton

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