Electricity and Magnetism, Modern Physics and Mechanics
Modern Physics: Michelson Morley‘s experiment; Galilean transformation; Special theory of relativity; Lorenz transformation; Relative velocity; Length contraction; Time dilation; Mass-energy relation; Photo-electric effect; Compton effect; de Broglie wave; Bohr‘s atomic model; Radioactive decay, half life, mean life; Isotopes; Nuclear binding energy; Alpha, beta, gamma decay.
Mechanics: Linear momentum of a particle, linear momentum of a system of particles, conservation of linear momentum, some application of momentum principle; angular momentum of a particle, angular momentum of a system of particles, Kepler‘s law of planetary motion, the law of universal Gravitation, the motion of planets and satellites, introductory quantum mechanics, wave function, uncertainty principle, postulates, Schrodinger time independent equation, expectation value, Probability, Particle in a zero potential, calculation of energy.
Text and Ref books:
1. Perspective of Modern Physics – Arthur Beiser.
2. Concept of Modern Physics – Arthur Beiser.
3. Physics Part-I – David Halliday &Robert Resnick.
4. Physics Part-II – David Halliday and Robert Resnick.
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